
Active AGI Projects

This is a listing of projects/companies working in Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). This list will grow as I come across additional projects. ACT-R, led by John Anderson of Carnegie Mellon University AERA, led by Kristinn Thórisson of Reykjavik University AIDEUS, led by Alexey Potapov of ITMO University and Sergey Rodionov of Aix Marseille Université AIXI, […]


References: Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies

The following is a list of references pulled from Douglas Hofstadter’s 1995 book, “Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought”. The list is being copied for future study, and will be updated with links to papers (as time permits). Aitchison, Jean (1994). Words in the Mind: An Introduction to […]


Color Space – Visualizations

In support of some work related to color theory and linguistic relativity, I wrote some Python code to create visualizations of the RGB color space. A demo of some of the possible visualizations can be seen below (note, the animated GIF was created using GIMP): The relevant code follows (Python 3.7): Lorem ipsum


Color Theory & Linguistic Relativity

I’ve recently been spending some time better understanding color theory, specifically as it relates to linguistic determinism and relativity. As I feel myself beginning to move away from this area of study, I wanted to document a few notes and observations, in case I wanted to return in the future. The above video covers mostly […]


NSF, Project Pitch

The following project pitch was submitted to the National Science Foundation ‘s (NSF) Seed Fund program on 25-Sep-2019, under the “SBIR: Artificial Intelligence (AI)” Topic Area. The project was subsequently accepted by the relevant NSF Program Director on 19-Oct-2019, resulting in an invitation to submit a full proposal for the NSF SBIR/STTR Phase I program. […]


Bootstrapping Model Data – Visualization

This post documents the code used to compare model iterations, as described in the post “Bootstrapping Model Data“. The code is written in Python 3.7. Input This code is currently comparing the results of 2 models. The results for each model are stored in a JSON file, which contains the model’s prediction for each image […]


Bootstrapping Model Data

As part of an active project, I’m exploring ways to iteratively build a dataset of images for use in training classification models. This article documents some early activity, but does not reach conclusion on any repeatable processes. Problem Overview For this example I’m working to build an image classification model which is able to identify […]








About me

I fell in love with programming and technology at a very young age, and have ever since been pursuing that obsession.

I spent the first 16 years of my career in a small technology company, in a large variety of roles. This provided amazing first-hand experience with the inherent challenges and opportunities found within startups.

Striking out on my own in 2018, I’m now working to maximize the time and resources I can spend advancing interesting technologies with talented people.