This is a listing of projects/companies working in Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). This list will grow as I come across additional projects.

  • ACT-R, led by John Anderson of Carnegie Mellon University
  • AERA, led by Kristinn Thórisson of Reykjavik University
  • AIDEUS, led by Alexey Potapov of ITMO University and Sergey Rodionov of Aix Marseille Université
  • AIXI, led by Marcus Hutter of Australian National University
  • Alice in Wonderland, led by Claes Stannegård of Chalmers University of Technology
  • Animats, a small project recently initiated by researchers in Sweden, Switzerland, and the US
  • Baidu Research, an AI research group within Baidu
  • Becca, an open-source project led by Brandon Rohrer
  • Blue Brain, led by Henry Markram of École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
  • China Brain Project, led by Mu-Ming Poo of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • CLARION, led by Ron Sun of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • CogPrime, an open source project led by Ben Goertzel based in the US and with dedicated labs in Hong Kong and Addis Ababa
  • CommAI, a project of Facebook AI Research based in New York City and with offices in Menlo Park, California and Paris
  • Cyc, a project of Cycorp of Austin, Texas, began by Doug Lenat in 1984
  • DeepMind, a London-based AI company acquired by Google in 2014 for $650m
  • DeSTIN, led by Itamar Arel of University of Tennessee
  • DSO-CA, led by Gee Wah Ng of DSO National Laboratories, which is Singapore’s primary national defense research agency
  • FLOWERS, led by Pierre-Yves Oudeyer of Inria and David Filliat of Ensta ParisTech
  • GoodAI, an AI company based in Prague led by computer game entrepreneur Marek Rosa
  • HTM, a project of the AI company Numenta, based in Redwood City, California and led by Jeffrey Hawkins, founder of Palm Computing
  • Human Brain Project, a consortium of research institutions across Europe with $1 billion in funding from the European Commission
  • Icarus, led by Pat Langley of Stanford University
  • Leabra, led by Randall O-Reilly of University of Colorado
  • LIDA, led by Stan Franklin of University of Memphis
  • Maluuba, a company based in Montreal recently acquired by Microsoft
  • MicroPsi, led by Joscha Bach of Harvard University
  • Microsoft Research AI, a group at Microsoft announced in July 2017
  • MLECOG, led by Janusz Starzyk of Ohio University
  • NARS, led by Pei Wang of Temple University
  • Nigel, a project of Kimera, an AI company based in Portland, Oregon
  • NNAISENSE, an AI company based in Lugano, Switzerland and led by Jürgen Schmidhuber
  • OpenAI, a nonprofit AI research organization based in San Francisco and founded by several prominent technology investors who have pledged $1 billion
  • Real AI, an AI company based in Hong Kong and led by Jonathan Yan
  • Research Center for Brain-Inspired Intelligence (RCBII), a project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Sigma, led by Paul Rosenbloom of University of Southern California
  • SiMA, led by Dietmar Dietrich of Vienna University of Technology
  • SingularityNET, an open AI platform led by Ben Goertzel
  • SNePS, led by Stuart Shapiro at State University of New York at Buffalo
  • Soar, led by John Laird of University of Michigan and a spinoff company SoarTech
  • Susaro, an AI company based in the Cambridge, UK area and led by Richard Loosemore
  • Tencent AI Lab, the AI group of Tencent
  • Uber AI Labs, the AI research division of Uber
  • Vicarious, an AI company based in San Francisco
  • Victor, a project of 2AI, which is a subsidiary of Cifer Inc., a small US company
  • Whole Brain Architecture Initiative (WBAI), a nonprofit in Tokyo
